Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Greatest Stories Never Told: Showcasing Our Gifted Classrooms Through Social Media & WebTools

It has been quite a November! This year I was fortunate enough to attend the 60th National Association for Gifted Children Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana to share my love and passion for technology. It all started with our little class blog that was created to share projects with parents and community members. However, it grew to be a space where we were able to showcase our learning as well as collaborate with other classes around the globe! If you would like to check us out, click here.  And in case you missed it, I have included a recording of my presentation. Thanks to Quicktime, I was able to record a screencast.

 It was an exhilarating experience to be among the brightest minds in gifted education! What was most exciting was actually meeting folks I have been in communication with on Twitter. So it was no surprise that there was to be a #gtchat TweetUp during the conference. Here are some pictures of this event.
Left: Group Picture, Right: With Lisa Conrad, #gtchat moderator extraordinaire! 
Tremendous Trio!: With Ginger Lewman & Lisa Conrad. 
And who could forget, Ian Byrd! He was our Twilebrity at the conference! 


  1. It was wonderful to finally meet you irl! #gtchat has brought together an extraordinary group of people. I look forward to seeing you next year in Baltimore if not sooner.

    1. Lisa,

      Thank you! It was so great to meet you and I hope to see you at the next NAGC Convention (crossing fingers). Have fun at #TAGT and say hello to our Tweeps in the grand state of Texas.

      Tweet you later,


  2. Ms. Elvira,

    It's such a small world! I attended the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg for a year and a half. I absolutely love the school as well as the city. I now attend the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama and I am an elementary education major. Right now I am taking a Microcomputing Class and one of our assignments is to comment on a teacher's blog.

    Your presentation was extremely helpful and gave me some great ideas for my future classroom. I love the fact that you made a Twitter account for your class. I think it's a great way to show children the impact social media can have while also teaching them internet safety. I also like how you had a class blog. I know the younger children especially love to be able to contribute to group projects. I think things of this nature are great for kids who want to be able to show their class work to parents and other relatives and friends that might live far away.

    Thank you so much for enlightening me on using this kind of technology in the classroom. I also liked your safety tips concerning monitoring the comments of your blog, etc. If you'd like to follow my blog, it's

    Jennah Medlin

    1. Hi again!

      Class blogs rock! I cannot tell you how empowering it is to have a global audience for your classroom. Social media has changed the game in how we communicate and share, so why not use it to share our stories in education? Well, I don't have to convince you, I mean thanks to technology and social media, we are now connected. Have fun blogging- I look forward to checking it out!


  3. Ms. Elvira,

    My name is Meagan McRae and I am currently a student at the University of South Alabama in EDM 310. As Jennah mentioned earlier we comment on different teachers blogs and see what they post about and how they use technology in the classrooms. I love that you do a class blog for your students. We comment on student blogs every week and from what I am seeing students like writing on these blogs and using different technology that is available to them. I like student blogs for the reasons that you have your students do them. Parents can see what their children are learning in the classroom, it makes learning and doing assignments fun, and the children get to interact with people around the globe. I'm actually enjoying doing my class blog for the reasons listed above! I have been able to interact with students in my class and even students in Hong Kong! If you would like to see more of what I am doing you can visit my blog, I am actually going to be posting what I have learned from your blog on 3/16/14. You can also follow me on twitter at @MeaganMcRae1

    1. Hi Meagan,

      Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to showcase my students' many talents and learning via our class blog. In fact, one major challenge I have faced since starting a class blog is keeping up with that along with my professional blog! I admit I have been neglecting my professional blog a bit, but as I mentioned before, a lack of blogging only means that we are busy! I hope to reflect and share more on this blog, especially since I am now working on an exciting project. More to come soon!

      Stay tuned,


  4. Hi Mrs. Deyamport, my name is Tyler Mills. I am a student at the University of South Alabama in EDM 310. I would like to let you know that you are doing a great job with your class blog. I think that kids really enjoy having their hard work out there for millions of people o view all around the world. Keep up the great work Mrs. Deyamport!

    1. Hi Tyler,

      Thanks for stopping by and for leaving a comment! I agree that my students get excited when we share projects and posts on our class blog. We have also been sharing on our class Twitter account and participating in what I call #hashtag contests. The two most recent ones are an Art Contest to celebrate Cesar Chavez using the hashtag #CesarChavezMovie and our Happy Posters to celebrate #InternationalHappyDay. We were excited to find out that Pantelion Films, the Production company behind the Chavez Movie, has favorited our tweet! I welcome you to follow us at: @REACHRocketeers.

